The design of the Huggy doll is sketched in Solid Works 2003 software.
To match with the twelve body parts of the pajama, the new doll is designed with twelve places for sensors, the shoulders, arms, upper front body and upper back body. The side of the doll is decided to be able to be well fit in adults’ palms. The dimension of the doll is approximately: (width x length x high = 3.8 x 5 x 5.5 (cm3)), excluding the arms. With the arms, the length of the doll is 7 (cm). The thickness of each arm is 1 (cm) and length is defined as 45 cm according to be matched with the body size.
As in the Huggy Suit (which simulates pressure on human body), there are one sensor on each side of shoulders, each side of upper arms and 4 sensors each for front and back of the body.
In this design, the arms of the doll is made to represent the child’s arms. The extruding part for joining to the body has a small tunnel inside for letting the sensor’s wires pass through into the doll body. Inside part of the arm is in hollow form to reduce the materials used. On the outside, the edges are rounded and smoothened to obtain friendly appearence.
Figure: Views of the arm
The body of the doll is made by joining two parts, left and right, which are symmetry. The purpose of breaking them into two is to reduce the difficulties of installing sensors and circuits on the doll and in the doll body.
Figure: Drawing of a half of the doll body
The body of the doll is hollow, which will house the circuits to send the data to the computer. The thickness of the body is set to 4 (mm) to be able to withstand the pressure given onto it.
Figure: View of Body (Below)
The overall look for the dool is as shown below, before mounting the sensors.
Figure: whole body of the Huggy Doll
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