Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thin-Sheet Sensors

Here are the final product of touch sensors. (Please scroll to read more:)

This is how the sensor looks like before it is sealed.

The copper-tape conductors of two ends are designed as in picture. The QTC-sheet is placed facing onto the copper cathode and anode.

Then the paper is folded and pressure is applied onto the sheet (either sides), the QTC sheet increases conductivity.

After the sensors are tested, they are sealed with insulated tape. At this state, the sensors are ready to be used.

The sensors can also be sealed inside plastic bag to prevent sweat and moisture.
However, the sensitivity of sensors are better without plastic shields.

Caution: the unevenness of the copper surface and QTC sheet contact may cause noises for sensor readings. Therefore, it is important not to deform the shape of sensors.

The readings of the sensors from "Data-Loggin" User Interface.

The following information is calculated by Ben
*mean amplitude of N2 in microvolt

Touch/Neutral Picture 0.1742298

No-touch/Neutral Picture 0.0888162

Touch/Emotional Picture -0.3495196

No-touch/Emotional Picture 0.1841026

Standard Error:

Touch/Neutral Picture 0.2525383

No-touch/Neutral Picture 0.2361391

Touch/Emotional Picture 0.2417411

No-touch/Emotional Picture 0.2714810

*Mean Amplitude of P3** in microvolt*

Touch/Neutral Picture 5.172886

No-touch/Neutral Picture 6.453321

Touch/Emotional Picture 8.17384

No-touch/Emotional picture 7.649528

Standard error:

Touch/Neutral Picture0.2737855

No-touch/Neutral Picture 0.2689277

Touch/Emotional Picture 0.2880943

No-touch/Emotional picture 0.2793192